'#angiefitnesstv #fitover40 IF YOU ENJOY MY WORKOUTS, PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING ME: https://paypal.me/AngieFitnessTV?locale.x=en_US CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR 30 DAY CHALLENGE STARTED: https://www.angiefitness.tv/product-page/triple-threat-30-day-workout-program OR If you want to join PATREON and pledge $3.00 month or more a month you will always get EVERY challenge : https://www.patreon.com/AngieFitnessTV PREVIEW ALL THE VIDEOS IN THIS PROGRAM HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzTf0wlu59U5e1IZEbaz8I2YqJN8hNNHT This is a comprehensive 30 day workout program that will LITERALLY change your body head to toe. You will focus on cardiovascular/muscular endurance, strength training, mobility-flexibility along with balance and coordination. Try new cardio formats ranging from kickboxing, step aerobic, power walking, plyometrics and low impact routines. Strength train using light-heavy weights or the barbell. We focus on mobility and flexibility in this program as well. Each workout ranges from 20-40 minutes, but while the time commitment is minimal, the results you\'ll see are anything but: You\'ll notice you can do more reps within each time frame, which means your fitness level is increasing. You\'ll also likely see some muscle definition and increased energy levels, while giving yourself a solid exercise foundation to start 2020 with. The key is to be consistent with your practice—that\'s the only \"secret.\" And the 30-day challenge is totally customizable, too, making it great for all fitness levels. If you\'ve already got a solid workout routine going, lean into the dumbbell workouts and focus on increasing your weight throughout the 30 days. If you\'re a complete beginner, I recommend starting with the body weight workouts and making sure you really nail those before moving onto the weighted workouts on the days you feel stronger. Sweat with Angie! Join the Facebook group to receive daily reminders, non-stop motivation, and support from other women tackling the 30-day challenge. Use this calendar to keep track of which workouts to do each day. And every week, you\'ll focus on a new mini-goal. Week one, you\'ll work on nailing the form of each move. During week two, try to increase your rep count. For week three, aim to try a new cross-training routine. Challenge yourself to try the weighted workouts or increase the weight you\'re using in week four. Then, week five, just aim to finish strong: Crush This 30-Day Challenge There are a few tips that will be helpful to keep in mind as you complete the challenge: * Do workouts in the mornings when you can. This is my number-one tip for people who struggle to find the time to work out. And since these routines include a warm up and cool down, they\'re really comprehensive from start to finish. * Pick the right weights. In the videos for these, I\'m use various weights sizes so be sure to preview each workout before beginning so you know what weight size is correct for you. When in doubt, though, go lighter. Make sure you can do the moves with correct form before increasing your weight. * Cross train right. This entire 30 day program is the perfect cross trainer. Listen to your body always, modify when needed and go at your own pace. * Keep tabs on how many reps you do. It\'s great motivation when you can see that you\'re able to do more reps in weeks two, three, and four than you could in week one.'
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